miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

about me

I would like to tell you somethings about me.I'm 16 years old; I was born in Cuauhtemoc Chihuahua; my family is not too big we are five, my fathers name is Victor Hugo, my mothers name is Bertha Isela, my brothers name is Hugo and Didier. I have a boyfriend, a cute boy his name is Kevin Daniel, he has 17 years old, he is an excelent friend and he supportme everytime for this reason I love hem very much.I studied Elementary school at Jaime Nuno and I studied Junior high at Federal 18, now I studing High school at CBTIS 117. I love my school, I learned to much, and I finded good friends, Cristina Baray, Vanesa, Claudia and Ada. They are like my sisters because I share magic moments whit them.I have one hovvie...volleyball!!! I'm part of the team at the school, I like it too much!!!!! its my favorite sport, I think than is the best!!! well...also I like dancing uuum parties :D I think its everything... so good bye!!!

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